At Grumperina goes to local yarn shops and Home Depot, I discovered that I'm not the only one who is blocking potholders. (Later on, she talks to a crochet expert, and makes me question my potholders.)
Have you visited Attic 24? If not, go there now. Lucy's Thursday was so much better than mine.
At a A Day Late and a Dollar Short I read that there is a aale at right now, and you can get a free shipping code on the blog.
The Fatosphere has nothing to do with knitting, but Mary's take on Kirstie Alley's weight gain is worth pointing out. I don't know if I agree with everything, but I feel like Kirstie Alley sold out. Fat Actress
Thanks to One Scheme of Happiness for pointing us to the Swine-Flu Masque over at Splendor.
I want Ysolda's life. *Sigh* Go check out the video of her and Olga comparing knitting styles.
Finally, go read Verses Scrawled on the Back of an Old Ball Band, Found Abandoned on a Street Corner in Nantucket at The Pantopticon. Nice work, Franklin. (I suspect the title is some poetry reference that I'm missing.)
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