Jules sent Snoopy and the chocolate apple packed in pink packing peanuts with a very sweet card.

There's something very sweet and a little sad about Charlie Brown on this box of chocolates. It's like he's searching for love, but doesn't realize it's right in front of him. (Well, technically it's behind him, but you know what I mean.)

This was my gift for Jules. I was really into scrapbooking a few years ago, and I still have a bunch of supplies. I went and dug out some of my old stuff in storage and made Jules a little scrapbook.

Some pages were more creative than others. And I could have done better if I had more time. I'm not that good with straight lines, even with a paper cutter

This is one of my more creative pages.

I had to include this photo of me eating at Taco Xpress because it is one of his favorites.

I sent the scrapbook along with a bar of Hershey's Extra Dark Chocolate. When he got it, he didn't say anything about the scrapbook. I asked if the pictures got there ok.
He said "What pictures?"
I was lucky he didn't throw out the envelope. I didn't have a smaller envelope, so I had folded a large envelope to get things to fit, and I guess it was easy to miss. Once he found it, he loved it.
You can see all the pictures of my album, along with other Valentine Stuff, here.

Mom's been getting us the exact some box of Russell's Stover candy for years. But this year, they got hit by the grocery shrink ray. I don't know what they were last year, but they're 7 ounces this year. And the chocolates are awfully far apart.
(To be fair, it didn't come with two missing chocolates. I ate those before I thought to take a picture.)
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