Saturday, January 26, 2008

Fiber Friends Festival 2007: Pictures

Would you believe I'm eating Cake Batter ice cream right now?

Sorry, I'm off topic.

Anyway, I'm trying a different layout for my picture-heavy posts. Bear with me.

The Fiber Friends Festival was all the way back in December. This is the second year Hill Country Weavers has held the festival.

I've been doing craft shows here and there for a while now. The Christmas season is big for shows, but because Jules came, I limited myself to one. Of course, the one was while he was there. He was very patient, helping me re-tag stuff the night before, and working a shift with me at the festival itself.

That's the cool thing about the festival. They ask everyone to contribute a little to put an ad in the paper, and they take 20% off your sales (10% if you agree to work a shift.) And that's it. If you don't sell anything (and everyone sold something), all you lose is the small fee for the ad. Also, you get help with the set up. They ask people to contribute what they can with tables, etc. (Some people bring their own displays.) And except for your shift, everyone else handles the set up and take down each day. They even handle sales tax.

Jules was really sweet and helpful. I hope I didn't order him around too much. See the way some of the scarves are sort of "swagged" along the inside of the tents? That was his idea.

I think the wind had just blown this tablecloth over. It was really windy and cold. I took the money for a while, and it was really cold when I sat still. We spent a lot of time picking up stuff that had blown over. Trust me though, I've had a worse experience.

That's my bunny in a basket of stuff by Angry Olive. The bunny didn't sell this time, but he sold when I put him up for consignment at Gauge. (Someone actually wants me to make two more.) This is the Mr. Bunny pattern from Craftster. I got permission to sell them from the creator.

Awesome hats, by several artists, I think.

Jules and I had to try on the hats Cheva made. (I wish I had a link to her online. I haven't found it yet.)

And I did spectacular. Last year I almost died when I made about $100. This year, I took home $238.40 (and this was after the 10% HCW took, and the advertising fee.) Here's the breakdown:

10 scarves
7 felted coasters
9 felted potholders
12 hacky sacks
4 heart sachets
2 felted bowls
1 knit purse
1 Texas dishcloth
1 stocking

So I need to focus on hacky sacks and felted potholders and coasters. Also, the shorter scarves sold more. (I have a lot of long scarves that don't sell as well.)

1 comment:

Mari said...

Wow! Good for you.
I am sorry I missed it.
Is it only once a year?