Ta Da!
Sort of.
I finished my first attempt at "handpainted" yarn with Kool Aid. (I have done a bit of dying with easter egg dye, but I used a different technique.)
At first I was relieved it wasn't a murky mess. Then I was disappointed that I had splatters and white spots instead of clean color repeats. But then it started to grow on me in a
Jackson Pollock sort of way.
As I mentioned
earlier, I had trouble finding the colors I wanted. I finally settled on Kool Aid in Lemon-Lime, Grape and Watermelon Cherry and Hawaiian Punch in Berry Blue Typhoon.
this Knitty article was my guide. The yarn is
Patons Merino Classic in "Aran."

Step One - Wash the yarn.Step 0 - clean the sink.
Step 1 - Wash the yarn. I decided to use the baby shampoo because I didn't want the Lanolin in the
Kookaburra to affect the dye.
While it soaked, I continued my other preparations.

I mixed four packs of each drink mix with about half a cup of water. It was really concentrated, but the directions said to only add a few tablespoons per package.

I went through a whole debate about covered the table and finally settled on trash bags and saran wrap. I was a little worried about fitting all four skeins on the table, but I decided it would be ok.

I used a turkey baster to apply the dye. The results were, well....

...splotchy with lots of white space. I was a little worried. Fortunately, I had bought 5 packets of each, but only (thought) I needed four. So I opened The others. Then I realized that the fifth Hawaiian Punch I bought was red, not blue. OK, so maybe just the blue would be splotchy.
So I mixed them, this time with more water. Then the dyes started to run. I did the best I could.

I pressed the yarn with my hands. Despite wrapping them in saran wrap, I still got my fingers all dark. But it made a big difference. It was time to cook it.

Funny story about the pot. I knew they used a steamer basket in the Knitty article. I thought a steamer basket rested at the
top of the pot, not the bottom. Thinking I needed the extra room, I bought 4 pots and 4 baskets.
After trying to pull apart one of the baskets for 10 minutes, I realized that it had those little legs for a reason. I finally called my Mom and confirmed that, yes, they do sit at the bottom of the basket.
(And yes, I did get my money back at Walmart. Although the checker said "you want to return
all this?" I had my receipt, and the tags and packaging were still in place. Needles to say, I didn't ring the bell for outstanding customer service.)
Anyway, when I put it all in the pot, I was worried because there seemed to be a lot of dribbling and mixing. At this point, I decided just to go for it. Maybe I was supposed to do just one skein at a time?
After "cooking" for about 45 minutes, I turned off the stove to let it cool. Despite the fact that it was Friday night, I decided I was tired and went to bed.

But first I had to clean up. Fortunately, I only had one "major" mishap. I don't know what possessed me to leave the towel under the plastic bags. Fortunately, it was (mostly) purple on purple, and I had plenty of Spray and Wash on hand. We'll see just how color fast this stuff really is.

The next morning, as I took the skeins out one by one, I was pleasantly surprised to see they hadn't blended into one murky shade of brownish-gray.

And it didn't run, as evidenced by my first rinse (it's pretty hard to see the water in the picture.)
However, I was concerned at the "milkiness" left behind. Did I use too much soap? Was this some strange residue from the pot? The drink mix? (The blue and pink seemed unusually milky."
Also, I noticed little crystals on the yarn (something I couldn't capture on my camera.) Did I not mix the dye enough?
After multiple rinsings, I gave up on the crystals. I've
knit with recycled sari silk, so I can handle a bit of crystalization.

Finally, and hung it on hangers in my bathroom. It's now about a day and a half later, and they should be good to go tomorrow.
What have I learned?
- I need to tie the hanks tighter, and in more spots.
- I need to try to do less skeins at a time (particular squeezing them on the tab;e so then hang off the table, leaving white spots.)
- I have a lot to learn about handpainting yarn.
Finally, go see
Stephanie's yarn. I think she did a much better job than I did.